IVG Planet+


At IVG Colbachini we have always believed that sustainability is an essential journey in the world of industry. An crucial path for cultural development dedicated to educating a growing  awareness towards conscious decision making for the environment, people and production systems. The recognized quality of our rubber hoses makes them durable over time, reducing the environmental impact. Their length, unique in the market, allows minimize waste for those who choose them.

Every day we are committed to the optimization of processes and the correct use of energy in production cycles, including the use of photovoltaics. We pay close attention to water management and the improvement of purification systems. We fight waste with careful staff training to minimize the environmental impact.

Our focus on the market, people and the environment means that every year we allocate resources to research projects on improving the life cycle of products and the development of innovative solutions for our sector.

IVG Planet+ is our further step in the defense of the environment and people. A new line of products that combines further advantages to those inspired by the principles of sustainable design already present in IVG Colbachini hose. Because we have always thought that innovation means optimizing production technologies while minimizing their impacts.

Contact us for further information.

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