Visit us at the food technology exhibition

Visit us at the food technology exhibition

Cibus Tec is approaching: the main Italian fair dedicated to Food & Beverage technologies, specialized in the processing and packaging sector of vegetables and fruit, milk and derivative products. From 24 to 27 October you will find us in Parma at our booth L 059 - hall 05 with our range of products dedicated to the food industry.

• Specific hoses for each fluid (milk, fruit juices, cereals…)

• Hoses for each process (transformation, filling, bottling…)

• Hoses for fixed plants or for loading and unloading operations

• Hoses in accordance with the main Italian and international standards

• Fittings applied to hoses or sold as spare parts

During the next few weeks we will give you an overview of the products we will bring to the exhibition and we will tell about new hoses and projects. Follow our posts on the LinkedIn and Facebook pages and don't miss the next newsletters.

What are you waiting for? Request your free ticket now and let's plan a meeting at our booth together.


Send us your request. We will reply as soon as possible.

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